• Its balanced structure allows the use of all stages of plant life from germination to fruit and harvest
  •  Supports flowers and growth of fruits and improves the quality of fruits and prolong the life of storage
  •  Helps to correct the symptoms of lack of nutrients
  •  PH contains sulfur which is equivalent to acidity
  •  Used for crops that need multiple ratios of NPK at the same time as mature ripening crops that grow and bear flowers and produce fruits at the same time
  •  Increase  plant resistance to inappropriate conditions (frost-dry-stress)
  •  Increase quantity and quality output
  •  All irrigation, spraying and paper systems are used
  • Surface irrigation 1.5-2.5 kg / fed
  •  Drip irrigation 3-6 kg / fed
  •  Paper spray 250 g / 100 liters of water

500 grs – 1 kg – 25 kg

Nitrogen 19% – Phosphorus 19% – Potassium 19%
And other additions help to get rid of the lack of micronutrients

 Mixable and preferably experiment

Estimo S 19/19/19, Lembada Pharm 5% agrofarm