• Advanced compound used in the prevention and treatment of the lack of micro-elements (rare) in the form of easy absorption through the picking up of these elements on amino and organic acids
  •  A composite of micronutrients in a composite form is necessary for plant growth at all stages
  •  Works as a general promoter and biologically stimulant for the plant
  •  Helps to strengthen the roots and stimulate root growth
  • a stimulant  for flowers and their flourishing and for the  distribution to the plant
  •  Amino acids move easily through the roots and here play the role of the claw  substance of microorganisms and raise the hormonal balance within the plant, which helps to stimulate buds and stabilize the formation of the flower
  •  AMINO F is the ideal way to supply plants with micro-components in a balanced manner
  •  Contains amino  and organic acids  by not less than 15%

Used on most types of crops

  •  Vegetables: from 150: 75 cm / 100 liters of water
  •  fruit trees: from 200: 100 cm / 100 liters of water
  •  Field crops: from 150: 75 cm / 100 liters of water
  • Frequency and addition rates: every 4-8 days at any stage of plant life and crops

250 cm – 500 cm  – 1 liter

Free amino acids 10% – ron 3% – Zinc 2% – Manganese 3% – Copper 1.5% – Boron 1% – Sulfur 13% – Carboxylic acids 15%

 Mixable  with most fertilizers and pesticides

Amino F, Agro PharmMap, Agro farm Astimo f, Agro PharmSeto, Agro farm B–Max, Agro farm KTS, Agro Pharm Lux, Calcium star Agrofarm, NPK Agrofarm